martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Radiohead : minimal rock ?

Ok first of all ... im talking about minimalism not minimal . So , let me place here what the wikipedia describes as minimalism that goes perfect to the point that im trying to make out .

"The term minimalist is often applied colloquially to designate anything which is spare or stripped to its essentials".

In this way , under this conception , we can find musical minimalism, minimalist design,minimalism in visual art,literary minimalism between others .

Now , we now that the minimalism or minimal music its not only applied , and even less ,not borned with the minimal house music .
so radiohead , well known rock ( yeah yeah i mean rock to keep it general ) band ; yorke playing a rhodes piano , greenwood playing a slide guitar and the other guy playing in a groove box the most simple drum pattern could be taggered under something as ...mmmm... minimal rock ?

1 comentario:

choo choo2006 dijo...

uhmm minimal rock!!!! eso me gusta y la vez musika para volar if u know what i mean!!! jejeje


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